Master 2 project: Piloting and modeling of a mobile robot

Brief description of the project :

The objective of our project is to learn how to drive a mobile robot by using ros, and to use and analyze the robot's existing position and navigation system. Finally we will collect sensor data transported by the turtlebot3 mobile robot and to do several data fusion to obtain a better estimation of the robot's attitude and a better positioning effect. The software and hardware used in the project are as follows: 1.turtlebot3 waffle pi two-wheel mobile robot 2.sensor used(360 Laser Distance Sensor LDS-01,IMU:Gyroscope 3 Axis Accelerometer 3 Axis,Position sensor:Contactless absolute encode 12Bit) 3. an operating system under Linux version Ubuntu 18.04 with also ROS kinetic (Robot Operating System). In this report, we will detail each component of the project, hardware or software, as well as the reason, the method and the techniques used to make this work.
